Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Jefferson Davis - Mundelein, Illinois USA
Around two weeks ago, I ordered a pair of black leather jeans. Today, they arrived, and they are magnificent. At first the fit seemed too tight, but it stretched out nicely and 6 hours later, as I am wearing them right now, they fit perfectly. They actually feel like an ordinary pair of jeans, until you look in the mirror and see how great you look! I do advise to trust your own bodily measurements and not the measurements on one of your current pairs of jeans, which makes the waist a bit uncomfortable for me. The quality of the leather is just amazing for the price; it makes anybody look like a super model. Every single angle with these leather jeans make me look spectacular. And just in case you were wondering, the myth that "leather pants get too hot" is nonsense; I have been wearing these hour after hour and I haven't even felt slightly hot or uncomfortable. Thanks a lot Leathercult, being a growing boy in my teens, I'm very sure I'll be buying from you again even though these leather jeans seem like they could last an eternity.
Date Added: Saturday 15 January, 2011