Leather long coats are available in dozens of styles. You can find them in modern styles. Modern styles are characterized by new, bold designs that have just recently appeared. In addition to modern styles, leather long coats are available in vintage styles.
Like with other vintage garments, vintage leather long coats don’t feature a new design. They are characterized by their use of an older style. The term “vintage,” in fact, means several decades ago. Vintage leather long coats feature a design that’s at least several decades ago. While there’s nothing wrong with choosing a leather long coat in a modern style, you may want to choose a vintage style for the following reasons.
Won’t Go Out of Style
You don’t have to worry about a vintage leather long coat going out of style. Fashion trends come and go from year to year. A style that’s popular today may fade from the limelight tomorrow. But vintage leather long coats have already tested the hands of time. They’ve been around for several decades, so the chances of them going out of style is slim to none.
Vintage leather long coats offer a timeless style. Therefore, you can wear them for many years to come. Other leather long coats may have a shorter lifespan. After wearing a modern leather long coat for a few months, you may discover that it’s no longer in style, in which case you’ll have to replace it.
Covers Your Legs
A vintage leather long coat will cover the top of your legs when worn. All long coats feature a relatively long length. While other coats and jackets typically stop around the waist when worn, long coats extend a little farther. Whether they are made of leather, polyester or any other material, most long coats extend to about the knees when worn.
With a knee-length design, a leather long coat will cover more of your legs when worn. This makes it an excellent choice of outerwear during cold or rainy weather. If it’s cold or raining outside, you may want to wear a leather long coat to protect your legs from the elements.
Soft and Comfortable
Assuming you choose a vintage leather long coat that’s made of real leather, you can take advantage of its soft and ultra-comfortable texture. Leather is softer than most other materials from which jackets are made. It’s softer than polyester, cotton, wool and countless other materials.
The soft texture of a real vintage leather long coat allows for a superior level of comfort. You can wear a vintage leather long coat all day long. The soft texture will create a superior level of comfort. Other jackets may offer a soft texture as well, but vintage leather long coats excel in their ability to offer a soft and ultra-comfortable texture.
To maintain the soft texture of a vintage leather long coat, consider these maintenance tips:
- Store your vintage leather long coat out of direct sunlight.
- Apply a conditioning cream to your vintage leather long coat once every few months.
- Avoid using harsh stain removers, detergents or other products on your vintage leather long coat.
- Read and follow the instructions provided on the care tag.

Looks Better With Age
All leather garments undergo changes as they age — and vintage leather long coats are no exception. After wearing a vintage leather long coat for several months, you may notice that it has developed a lighter tone. Real leather can and will fade. It won’t turn white, but it will develop a lighter, softer tone. At the same time, real leather becomes softer and suppler as it ages.
With these changes, vintage leather long coats typically look better as they age. They project a more unique, distinguished appearance than that of other leather long coats.
Easy to Match
Do you struggle to find garments and accessories that match your coat? Perhaps a vintage leather long coat is the answer. Thanks to their timeless style, they are easy to match.
You can wear a vintage leather long coat with countless garments and accessories. Some people wear them in casual outfits consisting of jeans and a t-shirt. Others wear vintage leather long coats in formal outfits consisting of a suit and a button-up dress shirt. Vintage leather long coats are highly versatile. And with their timeless style, you can include a vintage leather long coat in most of your outfits. There aren’t many garments or accessories with which a vintage leather long coat will clash.
Built-In Sash Belt
Some vintage leather long coats feature a built-in sash belt. A sash belt, of course, is a piece of material that wraps around the waist section. You can use it to close the front of a vintage leather long coat.
If you need a little extra protection from the elements, you can wrap the sash belt around your waist. Sash belts are similar to other belts; the only difference is that they don’t work in conjunction with belt loops. All you need to do is wrap the sash belt around your waist. You can then tie the front of the sash belt in a bow to hold it in place. The sash belt will keep the front of the vintage leather long coat closed while simultaneously protecting you from the weather.
Available in Dozens of Colors
When shopping for a vintage leather long coat here at LeatherCult, you can choose from one of dozens of different colors. You aren’t limited to choosing a traditional color like brown. While brown is always an option, there are many other colors from which you can choose.
Maybe you prefer blue, or perhaps you want a green or even orange vintage leather jacket. The possibilities are nearly endless. Here at LeatherCult, we offer vintage leather long coats — as well as other leather coats in jackets — in dozens of different colors.