Can You Wear Leather Shoes in The Rain?

It’s no secret that leather is one of the most popular and widely used materials for footwear. Whether it’s sneakers, boots, high-heels, loafers, “boat shoes,” or even sandals, you can probably find them in leather. Of course, there’s a good reason for this trend: leather exhibits certain characteristics that aren’t found in other materials, such as strength, durability, longevity and style. Other materials may attempt to mimic these characteristics, but nothing compares to genuine leather. Leather Shoes and The Rain But leather is also susceptible to the elements, including moisture. This would leave some people to question whether or not you can safely wear leather shoes in the rain without causing damage to them.  To answer this question, you CAN wear leather shoes when it’s raining outside, as long as you take some precautions to protect them. Dry The Inside Try to get into the habit of drying the inside of your leather shoes anytime they become wet. It’s not uncommon for moisture to seep into the interior of leather shoes when it’s raining outside. Even small amounts of leather — if left unchecked — may damage them, however. You don’t have to necessarily detail your shoes, as wiping the inside down with a clean paper towel should suffice. Watch Where You Step I know this probably sounds like common sense, but it’s still worth mentioning that you should watch where you step when wearing leather shoes. If it’s raining or has been raining, use caution to avoid stepping in puddles. Stepping foot-first into a puddle may saturate your leather shoes with water, making it difficult to dry them....

Top Tips to Protect Leather From Sun Fading

If you’ve ever owned a leather jacket or accessory, you’re probably well aware of what happens when it’s exposed to sunlight for any prolonged length of time. Its neutral tan color will begin to fade into a lighter, more beige-like color. Granted, some people prefer the look of faded leather, but others want to keep the original look of their leather products. So, how can you protect your leather from sun fading? Limit Sun Exposure Conventional wisdom should lead you to believe that limiting the time your leather product is exposed to the sun will protect it from fading. In order for leather to fade, it must be exposed to sunlight for a rather long period of time. You can wear a leather jacket outside day after day without noticing any change in its appearance — assuming you store it indoors. But if you leave the leather jacket outside where it’s exposed to sunlight every minute of the day, it will inevitably begin to fade.  This is why it’s a good idea to get into the habit of bringing your leather products inside rather than keeping them outdoors. Apply Conditioner No, I’m not referring to the same condition that’s used to wash your hair. There are actually conditioning products made specifically for leather. These products contain essential oils that moisturize and protect leather from common forms of damage, including sun fading. Applying a small layer of conditioner to the surface of your leather product will create a barrier between it and the sun, preserving its natural color and characteristics. So, how often should you conditioner your leather product? It...

Leather Accessories Every Man Should Own

There are some leather accessories that every man should own. Chances are you already know some of them, but others may surprise you. So, let’s take a look at some of the top men’s leather accessories. Leather Wallet Yep, you can’t go very far in life without a wallet. While wallets are available in several different materials, nothing holds the same level of versatility and durability as leather. Whether it’s a bi-fold or tri-fold, a leather wallet will withstand the constant bending and folding. In fact, the more you use a leather wallet, the softer it becomes. This is a unique characteristic that makes leather wallets the preferred choice among guys young and old. Leather Belt Another must-have men’s accessory is a leather belt.  Like wallets, belts see a lot of wear, which is why they need to be made of a highly durable material. Thankfully, there’s no better choice than leather, as it offers countless years of use without breaking or degrading. Furthermore, leather belts feature a stylish neutral color that can be worn with practically any outfit. So even if fashion isn’t your forte, you’ll have to problem trowing together the perfect look by accessorizing it with a genuine leather belt. Leather Shoes We can’t forget about leather shoes when speaking about leather accessories.  Leather shoes are both comfortable and stylish, which is probably why it’s the single most popular material used in the production of footwear. Leather Tie Why should you own a leather tie? Some men automatically assume that silk is the only option available when it comes to ties. While silk ties are undeniably...

How To Make Old Leather Look New Again

Leather is prized for its unique combination of softness and durability. Whether it’s a jacket, pair of pants, a skirt, or any other garment, you can’t go wrong with genuine leather. People have used this material to produce clothes for hundreds of years, so it’s unlikely this trend will be going away anytime soon. But like all materials, leather will fade over time. Some people actually prefer the look of worn, faded leathers, but others prefer the look of original leather. If you fall into the first category, you’ll be glad to here that there are steps you can take to make old leather look new again. Protect clothing from external influences The first step towards revitalizing the appearance of old leather is to remove it from the sun. I know what you’re probably thinking: what if my leather garment is already being stored indoors? Just because you keep it stored indoors doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s protected from the sun. If you keep your leather jacket in front of a window, for instance, the sunlight will beam through and cause it to fade. This isn’t something that happens overnight, but exposing leather to sunlight for months or years on end will eventually cause it to fade — heck, that’s enough to cause practically any colored material to fade. The second step to make your leather garment look new again is to moisturize and condition it. When leather begins to exhibit the appearance of aging, it’s usually the result of it being dehydrated — yes, leather can become dehydrated, too. The moisture within the pores of the leather will...

Strut Your Stuff in a Leather Skirt

Tired of wearing the same boring skirt day after day? Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong traditional cotton or wool skirts. On the contrary, these are excellent garments for everyday wear. But if you’re looking to achieve a more stylish, fashion-forward appearance, you’ll need to think outside the box, which is where leather skirts come into play. Leather skirts live up to their namesake by featuring a construction made of genuine leather materials. If you keep up with our blog here at LeatherCult.com, you’re probably well aware of the benefits of leather. This timeless material is strong, durable, comfortable, and most importantly, stylish. Sure, other materials may attempt to mimic the appearance of leather, but nothing compares to the real thing. The benefits of leather skirts So, why should you invest in a leather skirt? As you may already know, summer is right around the corner, which means millions of people will be headed to the beach for some much-needed rest and relaxation. If you want to stay comfortable while looking your best this summer (which you should), a leather skirt can help you out. It’s a brilliant garment that’s unlike any other style on the market, yet it still possesses a level of simplicity that many women prefer. You have to think of a leather skirt as an investment rather than a regular purchase. Most cotton and wool skirts only last a year or two before they begin to degrade, at which point you’ll have to get rid of them. This is in stark contrast to leather skirts, however, which offer several years of use — usually...

The Growing Trend of Leather Shorts

In case you didn’t get the memo, there’s a growing fashion trend involving leather shorts. Whether you’re a man, woman, young or old, this stylish and versatile garment is the perfect way to spruce up your summer look. Leather shorts are comfortable, durable, and let’s face it — they possess a unique style that’s not found in other material or textiles, making them the ideal choice for fashion-forward individuals. Benefits of Leather Shorts Most people resort to wearing cotton or denim jeans during the summer. There’s certainly nothing wrong with wearing shorts made of these materials, but they ultimately lack any sense of style. You can differentiate yourself from the “pack,” however, by sporting a pair of leather shorts. Leather possesses a truly one-of-a-kind look that will help you stand out from the crowd. But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of leather shorts. Another reason why you should invest in a pair of leather shorts is because they are durable. Being that leather is made from the hides of cows, it’s able to withstand some pretty extreme amounts of force and pressure. While cotton shorts may rip and tear easily, leather can hold up under pressure. So, what’s the best way to wear leather shorts? It really depends on your preferred style and the look you are trying to achieve. However, you can follow the tips outlined below to maximize the look of your leather shorts. Leather Shorts Fashion Tips Assuming your leather shorts are black or brown (which most are), pair them a light-colored top. Feel free to experiment...

Top Tips To Care For a Leather Jacket

Thinking about buying a leather jacket in the near future? There’s no denying the fact that leather jackets are stylish and comfortable, making them a popular choice among men and women alike. While other fashion styles come and go from year to year, leather remains a classic choice that’s known to withstand the hands of time. To get the most use of a leather jacket, though, you’ll want to give it a little TLC, which we’re going to discuss further in this blog post. Limit Exposure To Rain There’s nothing wrong with exposing your leather jacket to a light spring/summertime rainfall. However, leaving it where it’s exposed to rain for hours or days on end will certainly cause damage. Leather is a highly durable textile, but like all natural textiles, it’s susceptible to the elements. So if you’re going to wear it outside during the rain, remember to bring it back inside — and to dry it promptly so there’s no moisture remaining on the surface. Beware of Soda Spills! I know this probably sounds like common sense, but it’s still worth mentioning that you should use caution to avoid accidentally spilling any drinks on your leather jacket, especially sodas. Why are sodas such a problem? Aside from the sticky residue they leave behind, sodas are highly acidic and can eat through the supple texture of leather. Clean Spills Promptly Okay, spills are bound to occur at some point or another. No matter how hard you try to prevent it,  you will eventually spill a drink on your leather jacket. When this happens, act fast to clean it so...

4 Reasons To Buy Leather Pants

Have you heard? Leather is the new denim. That’s a pretty bold statement to say the least, but many people truly believe that leather really IS the new denim. It’s Soft Upon wearing a pair of genuine leather pants for the first time, you’ll likely notice just how soft they are. While other fabrics tend to rub against your skin the wrong way, causing irritation and discomfort, leather is the exact opposite: It’s soft, supple and comfortable to wear. This, of course, is one of the many reasons why so many motorcycle riders prefer leather over other materials. But comfort is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of leather pants. It’s Durable Another reason why you should buy, and wear, leather pants is because they are durable. Sure, denim is also durable and able to withstand the normal wear and tear of daily use, but leather holds up just as well if not better. You can rest assured knowing that your leather pants won’t rip or tear easily, assuming you take care of them (read our previous blog posts for leather care tips). It’s Classic Fashion trends come and go but leather is here to stay. Men and women have worn leather for centuries, and since then it’s been a staple textile used in the production of garments. Sure, it has its ups and downs on the fashion popularity scale, but it generally remains a hot item worn by men and women of all ages. So go ahead and see for yourself why so many people prefer leather over other textiles. Wide Variety...

How To Rock a Leather Dress Like a Celebrity

Who says leather should only be used for jackets? Sure, leather jackets are a hot item, but this ultra-comfortable and equally stylish fabric can also be used for dresses. In fact, leather dresses have become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more fashion-forward women seeking to wear them. If you’re thinking about investing in a leather dress, however, you’ll want to follow the fashion tips listed below. Don’t Limit Yourself To Black Some people assume that black is the only color option available for leather dresses, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. While black is an undeniably popular choice — and for good reason — there are several other colors that shouldn’t go unnoticed. Leather dresses are available in a wide variety of colors, including red, yellow, gray, green, and just about any other color you can think. Feel free to experiment with different colors to see what works and what doesn’t. Choose The Right Size I know this probably sounds like common sense to most experienced fashionistas, but it’s worth mentioning that the “fit” of a leather dress will play a significant role in how it looks on your body. Wearing an oversized leather dress, for instance, will create the impression that you are larger and wider — something that most women (and even men for that matter) want to avoid. When in doubt, stick with a slim-fitting dress that contours to the shape of your body. This will have the opposite effect by making you look slimmer. Keep It Clean One of the perks of wearing leather is the simple fact that it...