by Leather | Leather Care, Leather Jackets
Can’t decide whether or not a leather jacket is right for you? Check out the top 5 reasons to wear a leather jacket below. It’s Ultra-Soft and Comfortable It’s hard to describe just how soft and comfortable leather jackets are without wearing one for yourself. Unlike many other fabrics, leather has a soft texture that’s easy on the skin. It doesn’t rub or scratch your skin, meaning you can wear it comfortably all day long. So whether you are looking for an everyday “casual” jacket, a motorcycle jacket, or a formal jacket, you can’t go wrong with leather. Leather is Durable Another reason why you should wear a leather jacket is because it’s durable. Being that it’s made from animal hide, it offers a superior level of strength and durability. Of course, this is one of the reasons why leather remains the preferred choice of material for motorcycle wear. Bikers can give themselves an added barrier of protection between their skin and the road by wearing a leather jacket. Leather Jackets Hold Their Value Clothes generally depreciate a great deal in value after they’ve been worn. This is due to the fact that most garments wear down after just a couple of uses, making them susceptible to damage. Leather, however, holds its value more than other clothes. In the unlikely event that you decide to get rid of your leather jacket, you’ll have an easier time finding a buyer who’s willing to pay top dollar for it. Leather Jackets are Classic There’s just something naturally brilliant about the style of a genuine leather jacket. Perhaps it’s the subtle grain,...
by Leather | Leather Dresses
So, you’re thinking about buying a leather skirt? Some people assume that jackets are the only garment made of leather, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. While leather jackets are certainly a popular choice, skirts have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Fashion-forward women from all walks of life are adding leather skirts to their wardrobe. But like all items made of genuine leather, certain care must be given to preserve the look and integrity of a leather skirt. Although softer and more comfortable than cotton, leather is susceptible to the elements and must be properly maintained. So, what’s the best way to care for a genuine leather skirt? Read The Care Label I know this probably sounds like common sense, but it’s still worth mentioning that you should always read the care label on your leather skirt before attempting to wash or dry it. Most leather skirts are produced with a tag sewn into the inside of the waist, explaining exactly how to wash and care for it. This care label provides essential step-by-step instructions regarding how to care for the leather skirt, so make sure you read it first. Watch the Water! No matter how hard you try to prevent it, you are bound to get water on your leather skirt at some point in time. Don’t panic, though, because as long as you dry it in a timely manner, it shouldn’t leave any lasting spots behind. If you notice water or moisture on your leather skirt, blot it dry with a clean paper towel or washcloth. Allowing water to sit on your...
by Leather | Leather Questions
In case you didn’t get the memo, summer is officially here. This means the temperatures will be warming and the sun will be shining. As a result, you need to carefully choose the clothes you wear. Wearing the same thick and heavy garments from your winter wardrobe isn’t going to cut it. The added weight of these garments can be unbearably uncomfortable when worn during the summer. So, can you wear leather during the scorching hot summer season? The short answer is YES, you can wear it. Whether it’s spring, summer, fall or winter, leather is a versatile material that can be worn year-round. With that said, there are a few things to keep in mind when wearing leather during the summer. Choose Thinner Leather If you’re going to wear leather during the summer, it’s recommended that you choose a thinner, lighter type of leather. Leather is available in a countless number of styles, ranging from thick, jacket-quality leather to lighter and softer leather — the latter of which is recommended for the summertime. Assuming you are shopping for a new leather garment in person, feel it beforehand to ensure it’s light and not overbearing. Avoid Multiple Layers Don’t get me wrong, wearing multiple layers of clothes is great for the winter. When you become too hot, you can always strip off the excess layers to cool down. When wearing leather, though, you should reduce the number of layers. Wearing an undershirt, overshirt, and a leather jacket, for instance, will probably be uncomfortable during the summer. Instead, consider wearing just a single shirt under a lightweight leather jacket. If...
by Leather | Leather Care, Leather Questions
Will Moisture Damage Leather? It depends. Too much moisture can damage just about anything, including leather. However, leather is able to absorb and release small amounts of moisture without causing any issues. Just remember to wipe off excess water to preserve its integrity. How Should I Store Leather? You can read through some of our previous blog posts here at LeatherCult for more advice on how to store leather, but the general idea is to keep it away from excessively dry or humid environments. A good rule of thumb is to store leather in an environment with 40-50% relative humidity. This isn’t too humid, nor is it too dry, making it the perfect place for leather. How Should I Clean Leather? Again, it depends on the particular type of leather and how it’s being used. However, for most purposes, saddle soap works incredibly well. Don’t let its name fool you into thinking it’s only used on leather saddles. While many people use to clean their saddles, saddle soap can be used on practically any leather product, including belts, shoes, furniture, coats, pants and more. Can Leather Be Repaired? Small damage, such as nicks and scuffs, can be repaired using a simple DIY leather repair kit. If the damage contains cuts that go deep into the leather, however, you’ll need to consult with a professional leather repair/restoration company. They’ll have the tools and experience to tackle some of the tougher leather jobs. How Can I Make My Leather Last? There are dozens of steps you can take to preserve the original look and characteristics of your leather. For starters, try...
by Leather | Leather Questions
2015 is here — well, it’s been here for a while technically — which means new fashion trends will be replacing old trends. You don’t have to be a professional style expert to know that leather is currently trending upwards, with more and more people seeking to wear garments made of this versatile material. So, what kind of leather fashion trends can you expect to see more of this year? Leather Dresses One trend that’s steadily gaining momentum in the world of fashion is leather dresses – yes, there are dresses made of leather. It may seem a little unusual, but leather dresses are surprisingly elegant and fashion-forward, featuring a certain shimmer that’s not found in traditional cotton. This makes it a popular choice among women who are looking to stand out from the crowd. Click here to view the leather dresses offered by LeatherCult. Leather Skirt If you enjoy the look of leather but don’t want to commit to a full-length dress, you can always opt for a skirt instead. Leather skirts are shorter and easier to wear, usually stopping just at or around the knees. When paired with the right top, it will create a truly stunning appearance that’s sure to turn heads. Leather Shorts In addition to leather dresses, another trend that you can expect to see more of in 2015 is leather shorts. There have been numerous celebrities spotted wearing them in recent months, helping to shine the limelight on this stylish garment. Leather shorts offer the best of both worlds in terms of style and durability. They are highly resistant to damage and wear,...
by Leather | Leather Shorts
If you’re looking for a fun and stylish alternative to traditional shorts, you should consider buying shorts made of leather. Leather is a strong, durable, and most importantly comfortable material that’s perfect for use in shorts. Leather shorts offer many of the same benefits as leather pants, but they are preferred during the warm spring and summer months simply because they are lighter. Wear Them With Leggings One simple yet classy way to wear leather shorts is to pair them with leggings. As shown in the picture above, this is an easy outfit that looks great for all occasions. Find a pair of leggings that match your leather shorts and wear them together for a classic look with a modern twist. You don’t have to be a fashionista to rock this outfit! It’s important to note, however, that the use of leggings may add weight and warmth to your outfit — something that could reduce your comfort level during the spring and summer months. Wear Them With High-Heels Think high-heeled shoes should only be worn with dresses? Think again? While they are certainly a popular choice among women who wear dresses, high-heels can also be worn with shorts, including leather shorts. In fact, this is a great way to enhance the natural beauty of leather shorts, drawing attention to them while adding a fun new element to your overall look. The key thing to remember when wearing leather shorts with high-heels is to choose footwear that matches the leather. Leather shorts are available in a wide range of colors, including standard brown, tan, black, yellow, red, blue and green...
by Leather | Leather Care
Does your leather feel too soft and supple? Most people have the opposite problem: their leather shoes, garments and accessories are too stiff, making them uncomfortable to wear. But there are times when you may come across a leather item that’s too soft. The good news is that you can often stiffen it by following some simple steps, which we’re going to discuss further in today’s blog post. Dry It One of the easiest ways to stiffen leather is to let it dry out. We’ve talked about this before on the LeatherCult blog, but it’s worth mentioning again that leather contains thousands upon thousands of small, microscopic pores that are constantly absorbing and releasing moisture. When leather becomes dry, the moisture within these pores is released; this, the leather becomes a bit stiffer and less supple. I don’t recommend placing your leather items in an actual dryer, but you can leave it outside (under a covered area) for a day or so to help it dry out. The combination of sunlight and outdoor air should release its moisture, making it become a little more stiff in the process. Sunlight You may also be able to stiffen your leather by leaving it exposed to sunlight for a given period of time. How can this help? Well, the sun’s powerful ultraviolet rays will beam down on the leather, causing chemical reactions to occur while also speeding up the drying process. Assuming you have access to a window, pull back the curtain, open the blinds and place your leather garment in front of it. Leave it here for a couple of days and...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
Thinking about buying a leather jacket? There’s no denying the fact that leather is a brilliant, durable fabric that’s particularly effective in the production of jackets. Whether you’re a man, woman, young or old, you can rest assured knowing that a leather jacket will enhance your image while boosting your self-confidence. To make the most of this fashionable garment, however, you’ll want to follow the tips outlined below. Color Matters First and foremost, think about the color when choosing a leather jacket. Some people assume that brown is the option available, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. After browsing around for a while, you’ll quickly realize just how many different colors and styles of leather jackets there are available. Feel free to venture into other colors like black, red, yellow or white (yes, there are white leather jackets). Length Something else you should consider when choosing a leather jacket is the length. Traditionally, leather jackets stop around the waist, which is the preferred length for most people. However, you can choose a longer and more modern waistcoast-style leather jacket instead. These jackets go farther down before stopping, adding a fun new element to your appearance. Of course, this is ultimately a personal decision that only you can decide, so choose the style that’s best suited for your particular taste. Layer it Over Plaid According to the fashion website Gurl, one way to rock a leather jacket is to wear it over plaid. Many people play it safe when wearing a leather jacket, choosing basic solid colors. While there’s nothing wrong with wearing a standard white t-shirt under...
by Leather | Leather Accessories, Leather Care
Leather pencil skirts have become the center of attention in the fashion industry. This vibrant garment offers a unique combination of classic elegance with modern style to achieve a look that’s unlike any other. Perhaps this is why so many famous celebrities have been seen wearing leather pencil skirts in recent months. if you’re thinking about wearing one, though, you’ll want to follow some basic fashion tips. Slim Fit When choosing a leather pencil skirt, make sure it’s fitted to your body. In other words, don’t buy a skirt that’s loose and baggy, as this will have a negative effect on your appearance. Leather looks best when it’s worn closely against the body — something that’s particularly true when it comes to pencil skirts. What About The Length? There’s really no “rule” you need to follow when deciding what length you want your leather pencil skirt to be. Some women prefer longer skirts that stop around their knees, whereas others prefer slightly shorter skirts. Keep in mind that the occasion during which you wear the leather pencil skirt may dictate its length. Formal occasions, for instance, often call for longer skirt and dress lengths than casual occasions. High-Heels Can’t seem to choose the right footwear for your leather pencil skirt? There are dozens of different options available, but you can’t go wrong with a pair of high-heels. As previously mentioned, leather pencil skirts have a certain classic elegance to them. You can enhance this feature by pairing your skirt with a pair of high-heeled shoes. The trick is to choose high-heels that are either the same or similar color...