Jacket Styles that Rock

In the market for a new jacket? If you are reading this, I’m assuming the answer is yes. Check out the following jacket styles for some ideas! Leather Bomber Jacket Of course, we can’t talk about fashionable (and comfortable) jacket styles without mentioning the leather bomber jacket. Originally developed for US Air Force pilots during World War I, it’s become a classic choice among both men and women. There’s a good reason for this: leather bomber jackets are warm, well-insulated, super comfortable, and they look amazing. Leather Long Coat A newer and more modern trend that’s slowly but surely gaining momentum is the leather long coat.  As the name suggests, this type of coat is longer than a standard coat or jacket, usually stopping around the knees. Due to its long length, it’s often the preferred choice among men and women who are seeking to differentiate themselves from the rest. And because its made of leather, the leather long coat offers all of the same functional and aesthetic benefits as other leather garments. Peacoat Another stylish choice of jacket is the peacoat.  Characterized by a short, double-breasted design of coarse fabric (usually wool), it’s an excellent choice for any woman who’s seeking to improve her look. But there are a few things you should know when choosing a peacoat. First and foremost, consider the color. Because they are typically made of wool, peacoats are available in just about any color under the rainbow, including black, white, red, yellow, etc. Think about when and how you’ll be wearing it and choose a peacoat in a matching color. Denim Jackets Denim...

The Basics of Caring for Leather

Whether it’s a jacket, pants, shirt, belt, or shoes, all leather items must be given a little TLC to preserve their attractive appearance and physical characteristics. Unfortunately, many people overlook the importance of caring for their leather garments and accessories, resulting in a shorter “lifespan.” With a little bit of work, however, can you prolong the life of leather, allowing you to get several years of use of your favorite leather jacket. Keep it Dry The golden rule of caring for leather — any type of leather — is to keep it dry. Leather and moisture do not mix, as it may cause mold or mildew to form. And when this occurs, it’s next-to-impossible to treat. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to leave your leather jacket at home on a rainy day, but rather wipe it dry so it’s completely saturated with moisture. …But Not Too Dry It’s important to keep your leather dry, but it shouldn’t be too dry. Although invisible to the naked eye, leather contains thousands of small, microscopic pores on the surface which absorb and release moisture from the surrounding environment. When these pores don’t receive moisture, they will dry up and crack, causing damage to the leather. Use a Leather Conditioner So, how are you supposed to keep your leather garments and accessories moist without placing them at risk for water-related damage? The easiest solution is to use a leather conditioning product, such as Saddle Soap. Consisting of mild soap, water, lanolin and beeswax, it will moisturize your leather items while adding a protective coat over the surface in the process. Try...

Leather Jackets Rock the Winter: Here’s Why

With the winter season fast approaching, there’s no better time than now to ensure your wardrobe is ready for the cold weather. Of course, this begins with a well-insulated jacket, as this is your first layer of protection against the cold. Unfortunately, many people are guilty of wearing the same jacket year after year. If you fall under this category, you should consider investing in a leather jacket for the winter. Here’s why. Leather Jackets are Classy and Timeless Fashion trends come and go. A style that’s hot year may be viewed as tacky and outdated the following year. Leather jackets, however, are time-tested and have never gone out of style, nor is it likely that they will ever go out of style. Therefore, you can rest assured knowing that your leather jacket will remain just as stylish next year as it does this year. Leather Jackets are Warm Unless you’ve worn one in the past, it’s hard to describe just how warm and comfortable a genuine leather jacket is. The thick leather material helps to lock in your body’s natural heat, preventing it from escaping. This makes it a particularly attractive choice for winter weather outerwear, Leather Jackets are Easy to Match With Winter Apparel It’s often difficult to match jackets with winter apparel. Perhaps you’ve found the perfect outfit for a chilly winter day, but when you survey your closet for a jacket you are unable to find one. With a leather jacket, you’ll have an easier time coordinating your winter outfits. Assuming the leather jacket features a standard brown/tan color, you can match it with just...

Fun Facts About Leather Jackets

Nothing says classic fashion like a genuine leather jacket. Whether you are a man, woman, young or old, leather jackets offer a certain level of style that’s not found in other materials. Perhaps this is why it continues to be one of the most sought-after types of jackets. However, there are probably some things about leather jackets that you didn’t know… Movies Made Leather Jackets Popular Well, movies alone weren’t responsible for the leather jacket craze, but they certainly played a role in its popularity. Such movies include the Indiana Jones’ series, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Night Passage, and more. These movies presented Hollywood actors like Harrison Ford sporting leather jackets, triggering a newfound popularity for the stylish choice of outerwear. Leather Jackets Save Lives No, that’s not a typo. Leather jackets really DO save lives. Each year, more than 5,000 motorcyclists lose their lives in the United States, many of whom wear inadequate protection for their body.  Leather jackets, however, offer a stylish and effective form of body armor for motorcyclists. Standard cotton t-shirts and garments are too thin to offer any real protection from the road. Because leather is thick and durable, though, it’s able to protect against injury — at least to some degree. Leather Jackets and the Military Long before they were worn by Hollywood actors and movie stars, leather jackets were worn by military personnel.  During the early 1900s, for instance, the U.S. Air Force gave out brown leather flight jackets to their pilots and crew members. The purpose of these jackets was to keep them warm, as high-altitude flights back then posed...

Essential Fashion Tips for Travelers

Staying up to date with the latest fashion trends is hard enough, but it’s even harder when you are busy traveling. Whether you travel for work or leisure (or both), you may have trouble maintaining a stylish persona. After all, how are you supposed to carry all of your garments and accessories in a single piece of luggage? If this sounds like a familiar problem, keep reading for some essential tips on how to stay fashionable when traveling. To Where are You Traveling? You can’t expect to pack the right clothes without first understanding your destination. If you are traveling to the beach for a summer vacation, for instance, you should pack beach-appropriate clothes, such as bathing suits, tea dresses, mini/midi skirts, floral print garments, etc. On the other hand, if you are traveling to the city to attend an important business meeting, you should pack business attire garments like a suit and/or pencil skirt. The bottom line is that you must identify your destination in order to select the right clothes. Do Your Laundry in Advance I know this sounds like common sense, but it’s still worth mentioning that you should wash and dry your clothes in advance, before you begin packing for your trip. Waiting until the last minute to do laundry is a recipe for disaster. You may “think” your dress is clean, but when you check the closet, you notice it isn’t there. Don’t let this happen to you. Prepare your clothes in advance by having them washes and dried several days before your trip. Choose Versatile Garments When possible, pack garments that can be...

Not all Leather is Made Equal!

Leather has become synonymous with classic style and elegance. Whether it’s used in the construction of a jacket, dress, shirt, skirt, belt, or any other garment or accessory, it offers a level of style that’s not found in other fabrics or materials. But it’s important to note that not all leather is made equal. Some is made with higher quality materials and craftsmanship than others, which is a topic that we’re going to discuss in today’s blog post. Grain When shopping for a new leather garment or accessory, you may notice some of them have different “grains.” The grain of leather from which the item is made will directly affect its overall quality. Full-grain, for instance, is the highest quality leather on the market, as it’s made of unsanded, unbuffed hides. This allows it to preserve its strength and durability without negatively impacting its ability to breath. Top-grain leather is considered to be the second highest quality leather. It’s made with a split layer, which subsequently makes it thinner and more pliable than its full-grain counterpart. You can expect to pay less for top-grain leather garments for this very reason. Type of Animal Hide Think all leather is made from cows’ hides? Think again. While cows’ hides are by far the single most common and popular type of hide used in the manufacturing of leather, there are many other animal hides from which leather is made. This may include fish, deer and goat. If you are searching for a high-quality leather garment or accessory, consider goat-hide leather. Made from pure Napa Sheep Skin, this leather jacket is an excellent...

5 Reasons to Give Leather This Holiday Season

The cold temperatures that so many of us are experiencing can only mean one thing: the holidays are right around the corner! Rather than giving your loved ones a tacky sweater or gift card, you should give them something more meaningful and thoughtful, such as a leather jacket or dress. Leather makes a wonderful gift for the holidays because of the following. It’s Timeless Let’s face it, fashion trends come and go from year to year. A particular style that’s “hot” one year may be considered tacky the next. Thankfully, leather garments offer a timeless, classic appearance that’s not going to go out of style anytime soon. Leather has been worn by cultures throughout the world for centuries, and even to this day it remains one of the most popular fabrics for fashion garments. It’s the Gift that Keeps on Giving Many people give retail gift cards, gourmet chocolates, or other perishable/one-time-use items for the holidays. Unfortunately, gifts such as these are forgotten about after the recipient uses them. With a leather dress, jacket or shirt, however, the recipient may continue to use the gift for years to come. It’s High-Quality Cotton shirts, dresses and other garments often snag and suffer damage. It’s frustrating when you acquire a new shirt or dress, only to discover a tear in it just weeks later.  But leather garments are stronger, more durable, and generally made with an emphasis on quality rather than quantity.  As a result, friends and family members are sure to appreciate a genuine leather garment as a holiday gift. It’s Meaningful This alone should be reason enough to give...

Tips on How to Store Clothes for the Winter

In case you didn’t get the memo, the winter season is fast approaching. When the temperatures begin to drop, you can usually put away some of your warm-weather clothes and accessories until next year. Doing so will free up space in your closet/wardrobe, while making it just a little easier to find the “right” clothes. But how exactly should you store clothes for the winter? Clean Before Storing First and foremost, make sure your clothes have been washed and cleaned before storing them for the season. It’s not uncommon for people to wear a shirt or pair of pants, and then put it back in their wardrobe without washing it. As long as it’s not visibly dirty, there’s really no need to wash it — except when storing the garment for long periods at a time. So go through your wardrobe and pull out and wash any garments that you intend to store for the winter. Fold Them You aren’t out of the woods just yet. Before you can safely store your clothes for the winter, it’s recommended that you neatly fold them. Taking the extra time to properly fold your clothes before placing them in storage will reduce wrinkles while helping to retain the clothes’ original shape and structure. Choose a Storage Container You will now need to choose a storage container for your clothes. Most people choose cardboard boxes, simply because they are cheapest and most readily available. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best choice. Cardboard boxes are susceptible to mold, mildew, and insects — three things that you want to keep away...

Stylish Footwear Options for Women’s Leather Pants

So, you’re thinking about investing in a pair of genuine leather pants? While jeans have long been the “go to” choice of pants, many fashion-forward women have begun to seek alternative choices, such as leather pants. Of course, there’s a good reason for this trend: leather pants are classy, fun, comfortable, and available in a wide variety of colors. But in order to successfully pull off a fashionable look with them, you must pair them with the right shoes. Color Coordinating Leather Pants with Shoes When choosing a pair of shoes to wear with leather pants, you should pay close attention to the color (both the shoes and your pants). Going back to the basics of fashion 101, you don’t want to mix brown and black in your outfit. If you plan on wearing black leather pants, for instance, you should refrain from wearing brown shoes. Regardless of the style, brown and black don’t mix. And wearing them together will only have a negative impact on your overall appearance. High Heels and Leather Pants Many women prefer to wear high heels with leather pants, which is really the perfect mix when done correctly. Due to their naturally stylish and sophisticated look, leather pants have a tendency to make you look slimmer and taller. By sporting a pair of high-heeled shoes in conjunction with your leather pants, you can really take advantage of this effect. What About Ballet Flats? There are times in which ballet flats can be a suitable type of footwear for leather pants. They live up to their namesake by featuring a similar design as ballet shoes....