How to De-Wrinkle a Leather Jacket

Although it’s less susceptible to wrinkles common fabrics, leather can still develop wrinkles. If you discover that your leather jacket has developed wrinkles, you should try to smooth it out before wearing it. Whether it’s a traditional leather jacket or a leather long coat, wrinkles will bring down its aesthetic value while creating an awkward, unflattering appearance in the process. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to de-wrinkle a leather jacket, and it’s important that you use the right approach to ensure a positive outcome. So, consider the following tips to de-wrinkle your leather jacket. Avoid Faux Leather Both genuine and faux leather jackets may develop wrinkles, but this phenomenon is far more common in the latter. The problem with faux leather is that it’s not real leather at all. Rather, it’s a traditional textile like polyester with a plastic coating on the outside. Faux leather jackets look similar to genuine leather jackets, but they lack the attractive characteristics and qualities that make genuine leather such as a popular textile. Furthermore, faux leather jackets are more likely to develop wrinkles because of the nature of their construction. This is why it’s best to avoid faux leather jackets and, instead, choose a genuine leather jacket. Hang It Up Don’t just toss your leather jacket on the bed, couch, floor or elsewhere. Take a few minutes to hang it up in your closet using a heavy-duty coat hanger. A wooden coat hanger with molded shoulders will stretch out the jacket, thereby preventing it from developing wrinkles. As long as you hang up your leather jacket each time after...

10 Unwritten Fashion Rules of Wearing a Leather Jacket

With origins dating back more than a century, leather jackets are one of the oldest, most time-tested forms of outerwear on the planet. Whether you are a man, women, young or old, you can’t go wrong with a genuine leather jacket. The soft, supple texture of leather offers an unparalleled level of comfort. Furthermore, the aesthetic value of leather jackets is simply unmatched. But if you’re going to invest in a leather jacket, there are a few rules you should follow when wearing it. Wear a Different Colored Shirt When choosing a shirt or top to wear with your leather jacket, make sure it’s a different color. In other words, you don’t want your leather jacket and shirt to feature the same color. If your leather jacket is black and your shirt is black, the two garments will blend together — and not in a good way. To prevent this from happening, make sure your shirt is a different color than your jacket. Consider an Alternative Length Not all leather jackets are designed to stop around the midsection. While this is the most popular length in which they are made, some leather jackets are shorter, whereas others are longer. A short leather jacket, known as a cropped leather jacket, is a popular choice among fashion-forward women. There are also leather long coats, which as the name suggests are longer than standard-length and cropped leather jackets. Go Genuine Be sure to choose a genuine leather jacket. Some companies tout their jackets as being “leather” when they are actually made of traditional materials. Faux leather is an alternative material that’s often...

How to Prevent Your Leather Pants From Stretching

Leather pants offer a stylish, comfortable and fun alternative to traditional jeans and trousers. Featuring the same high-quality leather materials that’s used to make coats, jackets, belts and shoes, leather pants are a true fashion statement. They provide a unique, timeless appearance that looks great on men and women alike. Furthermore, leather pants are highly versatile, so you can wear them with just about any shirt or top. But if you’re going to invest in a pair of leather pants, you should use caution to ensure that it doesn’t stretch. Like all leather garments and products, leather pants are susceptible to stretching. When pulled beyond its capacity, leather will stretch without reverting back to its original shape. So, why is this a problem? Well, if you accidentally stretch your leather pants, they might be too big for you to comfortably wear. Stretching them by just 1 or 2 inches is often enough to prevent them from fitting. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to repair a pair of overstretched leather pants, which is why it’s recommended that you prevent this from happening in the first place. Here are a few tips to prevent your leather pants from stretching. Avoid Leather ‘Leggings’ There’s a difference between leather pants and leather leggings. If you’re worried about them stretching, it’s recommended that you choose the former. Leather leggings are designed to hug the body, contouring to the shape of the wearer’s body. As a result, they have a tendency to stretch over time. Leather pants, on the other hand, offer a slightly looser and more relaxed fit. Of course, different leather pants fit...

9 Fashion Tips on Wearing a Black Leather Jacket

The first bomber-style leather jackets that appeared were made with traditional brown leather. Since then, companies have begun using a variety of other colors in their leather jackets. You can now find leather jackets available in red, yellow, blue, green and pretty much any other color. Of all the different colors, however, brown and black remain the two most popular choices. Regardless of your personal style, you can’t go wrong with a brown or black leather jackets — assuming you follow some basic precautions when getting dressed. For black leather jackets, consider the following nine fashion tips to enhance your appearance. Avoid Black Pants It’s best to avoid wearing black pants with a black leather jacket. If both your pants and jacket are black, it will create the appearance of a one-piece jumpsuit, which is typically unattractive. Rather than wearing black pants, consider indigo blue. A pair of indigo denim jeans will compliment the appearance of your black leather jacket. Alternatively, you can wear white pants, as white contrasts with black to create an eye-popping, attractive combination. Wear a Light-Colored Shirt Underneath Following this same principle, it’s a good idea to wear a light-colored shirt or top underneath your black leather jacket. This is especially important if you intend to the leave of your jacket open while wearing it. With the zipper undone or the buttons unfastened on your jacket, your shirt will remain visible. And if it’s not the right color, it could hurt your appearance. Wearing a white or other light-colored shirt will help you create a cohesive appearance in which all garments of your outfit flow...

What’s the Best Way to Wear a Leather Jacket in the Summer?

Some people assume that leather jackets can only be worn during the fall and winter months due to their heavy construction. While a leather jacket is an excellent form of outerwear for these otherwise cold months, however, you can also wear it during the summer. But there are a few things you should know before sporting a leather jacket in the summer. To ensure that you create a cohesive, comfortable style, it’s recommended that you follow a few simple steps. In this post, we’re going to reveal the best way to wear a leather jacket in the summer. Avoid Quilted Leather When choosing a leather jacket to wear in the summer, avoid those with a quilted lining. It’s not uncommon for manufacturers to included a quilted interior lining in their leather jackets. The outside of the jacket has the normal leather material, whereas the inside has a softer cloth lining. Quilted leather jackets such as this offer a high level of comfort and warmth, making them ideal for winter usage. For summer, however, they are usually too hot to comfortably wear. Therefore, it’s recommended that you avoid quilted leather jackets and, instead, choose a traditional all-leather jacket. Choose a Lighter Color A midnight black leather jacket probably isn’t the best choice for the summer. While stylish and easy to match with other garments, black has a tendency to absorb heat. If you wear a black leather jacket in the summer,  you may feel hot and clammy, preventing you from taking full advantage of this garment. You can still wear a leather jacket in the summer, but you should choose...

8 Tips to Rock a Pair of Red Leather Pants

Although they’ve been around for decades, leather pants have become increasingly popular in recent years. Featuring the same high-quality leather used in jackets, they offer a stylish and equally comfortable alternative to traditional denim jeans and trousers. Best of all, leather pants are available in a variety of colors, including red. If you’re thinking about investing in a pair of red leather pants, however, there are a few things you should know. Following the tips described here will help you achieve the best possible look when wearing red leather pants. Choose a Dark Top Going back to the basics of fashion 101, it’s a good idea to create a contrasting color scheme with your outfit. When wearing red leather pants, for instance, you should wear a dark shirt or top. A black shirt with red leather pants creates a visually striking appearance that will compliments your outfit. On the other hand, wearing a red or other bright top with red leather pants creates a bland appearance. So, choose a dark-colored top that contrasts with your red leather pants. Match Shoes With Top In addition to choosing a dark top, you should also wear shoes that match your top. Using the same example previously mentioned, wearing black shoes with a black top and red leather pants is the perfect combination. The matching black shoes with the top helps to offset the brightness of the red leather pants. You don’t have to necessarily limit yourself to only wearing black. Rather, choose a dark top and make sure it matches your shoes. As long as you follow this simple formula, you’ll have...

How to Keep Your Leather Jacket From Squeaking

Does your leather jacket make an unusual “squeaking” sound whenever you wear it? Well, you aren’t alone. Countless owners of leather jackets report this same issue. While a squeaking sound doesn’t cause any immediate need for concern, it’s still rather obnoxious. If you’re in a quiet place, such as a library or work office, you probably don’t want your jacket to make this annoying noise. The good news is that you can continue to wear your leather jacket without creating a squeaking sound. Why Leather Squeaks All leather may squeak when the fabric is moved or otherwise disrupted. This is due to the fact that leather is a natural textile consisting of tanned and processed animal hide. Once processed, leather has a soft, shiny texture that squeaks as it rubs together. Moving your arms while wearing a leather jacket, for instance, may cause it to squeak. You may also hear the squeaking sound when you put on or take off your leather jacket. This noise is completely normal and doesn’t pose any risk to your jacket’s structural integrity. And if you want to stop your leather jacket from squeaking, there are a few steps you can take. Choose a Genuine, High-Quality Leather Jacket First, choose a jacket that’s made of genuine, high-quality leather. Jackets made of faux leather are more likely to squeak because of the way in which they are produced. Faux leather is  just a traditional textile covered with a plastic coating. The presence of this plastic coating makes the jacket squeak when worn. Jackets made of genuine leather may also squeak, though it’s less common. To...

How to Keep Your Leather Jacket From Drying Out

A high-quality leather jacket will offer you countless years of use when properly maintained, making it a smart investment for all budget-conscious consumers. But like all products made of genuine leather, leather jackets are susceptible to damage when they dry out. As a leather jacket loses its moisture content — yes, there’s moisture in leather — it will become stiff. If the dryness persists, it may crack or experience other structural damage. There are ways to keep your leather jacket from drying out and protect against such damage, however. To ensure your jacket lasts a lifetime, follow the tips listed here. Why Leather Dries Out The first step to keeping your leather jacket from drying out is understanding why this phenomenon happens. You see, leather is a porous material, like wood, with an array of small holes throughout the surface. Although you can’t seem them without a magnifying glass, these pores constantly absorb and release moisture. Normally, there’s enough moisture within leather to prevent damage like cracking. When enough moisture escapes, however, it can lead to damage. Store Your Leather Jacket in a Climate-Controlled Area To keep your leather jacket from drying out, store it in a climate-controlled area. Leaving it in your car is never a good idea simply because there’s no way to control the climate (not without your car running, at least). The fluctuations in temperature and, most importantly, humidity, can cause your jacket to dry out. Storing it inside your home, on the hand, gives you greater control over the climate. You can set your home’s thermostat to a moderate, comfortable temperature, and you can...

Genuine vs Faux Leather Pants: Which Should I Choose?

Leather is used to make a variety of different garments and fashion accessories, only one of which is jackets. You’ll also find pants available in leather. Leather pants offer a stylish, comfortable and versatile alternative to traditional pants like denim jeans. The soft and somewhat elastic properties of this material offer an exceptional level of comfort that’s simply not found in pants made of other materials. If you’re planning to invest in a pair of leather pants, though, you should familiarize yourself with the differences between genuine and faux leather. Not all leather pants are made of real leather. Many are made of synthetic materials that mimic the appearance and characteristics of leather. Therefore, you must understand the nuances between genuine and faux leather pants. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to choose the right style for your needs. So, what’s the difference between genuine and faux leather, and which style is right for you? Genuine Leather Genuine leather, as you may already know, is a textile material produced by tanning and processing animal hide. Although the hide sourced for leather typically comes from cows, hides from other animals may also be used, some of which include lamb, goat, deer, and even kangaroo. For pants, however, cowhide and sheepskin leather are usually the preferred choice of material. Both sheepskin and cowhide leather are soft, supple and durable — three essential characteristics of high-quality leather. Some people assume that genuine leather is the highest quality leather available, but the term “genuine leather” doesn’t denote the material’s quality. The quality of real leather varies depending on other factors like the manufacturer and classification of...