by Leather | Leather Jackets
A leather jacket is a versatile form of outerwear that can offer countless years of use and enjoyment when properly maintained. Unfortunately, many people fail to properly maintain their leather jacket, resulting in a shorter lifespan for this otherwise attractive, comfortable garment. If you’re planning to invest in a leather jacket, follow these 10 steps to keep it in excellent condition. Don’t Place It in the Washing Machine If you read the care label on your leather jacket — typically found inside the collar — you’ll probably discover that it’s not washing machine friendly. Assuming it’s made of genuine leather, you can’t place your leather jacket in the washing machine to clean it. Washing machines are too aggressive and expose garments to too much water. To keep your leather jacket in excellent condition, avoid cleaning it in the washing machine. Spot Clean It Regularly Rather than placing your leather jacket in the washing machine, try to get into the habit of spot cleaning it regularly. This involves rubbing the surface of your leather jacket with a washcloth soaked in soapy water. Start by filling a bowl with warm water and gentle dish soap. Next, submerge a washcloth into the soapy water, followed by ringing it out. You can then rub the surface of your leather jacket with the washcloth to remove superficial dirt and stains. This is a safer and arguably more effective way to clean leather jackets than placing them in the washing machine. Take It Off When Performing Heavy Labor Although it’s strong and durable, leather isn’t immune to damage. If you wear a leather jacket while...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
Are you about to celebrate a third wedding anniversary with your spouse? Each year, more than 2.5 million couples exchange vows under matrimony. When you get married, it’s a common tradition to celebrate with your spouse the day on which you two got married. And while you can give your spouse any type of gift for your third wedding anniversary, a leather jacket is perhaps the best, most thoughtful gift for the following reasons. The Tradition of Leather Gifts for 3rd Wedding Anniversaries Married couples have been exchanging leather gifts, including leather jackets, for third wedding anniversaries for more than a century. The Spruce explains that third wedding anniversaries symbolize durability and strength of a married couple’s relationship. Therefore, any gift that you are planning to give your spouse for your third wedding anniversary should reflect these properties, with leather being the most common. Made from tanned and processed cowhide, leather is undoubtedly one of the strongest and most durable textiles on the planet. It can withstand the hands of time, allowing your spouse to get more use out of it. The strength and durability of a leather jacket is symbolic of you and your spouse’s relationship after three years of marriage. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for couples to get divorced within their first two years of marriage. Once you make it to the three-year mark, though, you can rest assured knowing that your marriage is strong. And giving your spouse as a leather jacket for your third wedding anniversary symbolizes the strength and durability of your marriage. Warmth and Comfort Leather jackets are also warm and comfortable, which...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
A leather jacket is a versatile garment that you can wear year-round. While other jackets and coats can only be comfortably worn during the winter, this isn’t a problem with leather jackets. Whether it’s spring, summer, fall or winter, the lightweight properties of leather offer just enough protection from the elements to keep you comfortable. But if you’re going to invest in a new leather jacket, you should consider choosing a timeless, classic style. The Benefits of Choosing a Timeless, Classic Leather Jacket Style With a timeless, classic leather jacket, you’ll have the freedom to wear more garments and accessories in your outfit. The term “timeless” or “classic” refers to a time-tested style that’s still popular. Not many jackets — leather or otherwise — offer a timeless, classic style. On the contrary, many experience periods during which they are popular, followed by periods during which they become unpopular. And if you’re stuck with a jacket that’s no longer popular, conventional wisdom should tell you to avoid wearing it. You can avoid the headaches of having an outdated leather jacket by choosing a timeless, classic style. Leather jackets featuring this type of style have already withstood the hands of time. They’ve been around for years if not decades, giving you peace of mind knowing that they’ll remain popular longer after you purchase one. Furthermore, classic, timeless leather jackets are easy to coordinate with other clothes and accessories. You may spend a half-hour trying to find the right clothes to wear with an outdated leather jacket. If it features a classic, timeless style, though, you’ll have little or no problem pairing...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
Are you thinking about purchasing a black leather jacket? There’s no denying the fact that black is a popular color for leather jackets. In fact, it’s the second-most popular color in which this classic outerwear is made, surpassed only by brown. A high-quality black leather jacket offers a superior level of versatility, allowing you to wear it with any number of different garments and accessories. But if you want to create a dressier appearance, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. Stick With Genuine Black Leather Not all leather jackets are made with genuine leather. Some companies sell jackets made of faux leather. Based on the name alone, you may assume that faux leather is just a different type of leather, but this isn’t the case. It’s actually a synthetic material comprised of a traditional textile with a plastic-like coating on the outside. A black faux leather jacket will probably cost less than a genuine black leather jacket, but as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” Faux leather is weaker and less resilient than genuine leather. If you’re going to invest in a new black leather jacket, make sure that it’s made of genuine leather and not faux leather or any other textile. Wear It With Black Leather Accessories Don’t forget to wear the right accessories with your black leather jacket. A simple way to dress up a black leather jacket is to accessorize it with other items made of black leather. Women, for example, can accessorize their outfit with a black leather handbag, whereas men can accessorize their outfit with a black leather wristwatch....
by Leather | Leather Jackets
To say leather jackets are popular would be an understatement. They’ve become the preferred choice of outerwear for countless men and women. And even with the advent of new coats and jackets, millions of people still prefer leather jackets. This begs the question: Why are leather jackets so popular? After all, you can find other coats and jackets available for sale at your local retail apparel store. To learn more about leather jackets and why they are so popular, keep reading. Classic Style One reason leather jackets are so popular is because they offer a classic style. While other styles come and go from year to year, leather jackets hold steady. They’ve been around for more than a century, and unlike other coats and jackets, they’ve only become more popular since then. If you’re searching for a new form of outerwear that’s not going to fade from popularity in just a few years, you can’t go wrong with a leather jacket. Their classic, timeless style allows you to wear your leather jacket for many years without worrying about it becoming an outdated style. Looks Better With Age Like fine wine, leather jackets tend to improve with age. After wearing your leather jacket for a while, you’ll break it in the fabric so that it becomes softer and more comfortable. Furthermore, you may discover that your leather jacket fades slightly over time. It’s not enough to significantly change the appearance of your jacket. Rather, leather jackets fade just enough to turn them to a slightly lighter tone, which many people prefer. In the event that you don’t want your leather...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
While most people prefer the original, untouched appearance of a leather jacket, some prefer a more aged, faded style. Over time, leather jackets — like most garments — will fade naturally from regular use and exposure to the sun. This isn’t something that happens overnight, however. It can take months or even years until you notice any visible change in your leather jacket’s appearance. If you’re looking to speed up the process, however, you can fade your leather jacket more quickly by following some simple steps. Wear it outside The more you wear your leather jacket outside, the faster it will fade. This is because wearing a leather jacket outside exposes the textile to sunlight. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light will beam down on your leather jacket, causing the leather to fade to a lighter color. If your leather jacket currently has a dark brown color, for example, wearing it outdoors may turn it to a light blue color. Whether you’re running errands around town or walking your dog down the driveway, put on your leather jacket so that it fade a little faster. Along with this other tips listed here, this will help you achieve a faded leather jacket. Avoid faux leather Is your leather jacket made of real, genuine leather? If not, may struggle to fade it. This is because faux leather doesn’t fade like genuine leather does. It’s made of a traditional textile that’s coated in a plastic-like layer. As a result, it doesn’t fade — or at least as easily as genuine leather. For a true faded appearance, you’ll need to invest in a genuine...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
Leather has a naturally pleasing, fragrant aroma. It’s not too strong or overbearing. Rather, it’s a mild aroma that many people compare to a mixture of wood and spice. Over time, however, leather can lose this aroma. Although this doesn’t affect the quality or performance of the fabric, it’s still something that most people want to avoid with their leather products. So, if you own a leather jacket and want to preserve its distinct, pleasing aroma, consider the following tips. Steer Clear of Faux Leather Jackets You won’t be able to achieve the same fragrant aroma with a faux leather jacket as you would with a genuine leather jacket. Faux leather jackets actually aren’t made of leather at all. They are made of a base fabric, such as cotton, that’s coated with a plastic-like outer layer. The outer layer has a similar texture to real leather, but it lacks the qualities and characteristics that make real leather such a popular textile. Among other things, faux leather doesn’t have the same distinct aroma as real leather, which is why it’s recommended that you steer clear of jackets made of this textile. For the best aroma possible, choose a jacket that’s made of genuine, not faux, leather. Clean With Leather Soap Although you can’t clean your leather jacket in the washing machine — the water and physical stress can permanently damage leather — you can still clean it using a special type of leather soap. Leather soap refers to any products that’s designed specifically for cleaning leather. Available as a liquid detergent and liquid spray, it’s applied to the surface of...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
Is your leather jacket stiff? It’s difficult to fully enjoy this otherwise classic form of outerwear if its texture is hard and stiff. Your leather jacket should feature a texture that’s soft and supple. If not, it may rub against your skin to create chaffing. Furthermore, stiff leather jackets are more likely to dry out crack, resulting in permanent damage. So, why do leather jackets become stiff, and what can you do to fix it? It’s Not Real Leather Jackets made of artificial leather, also known as a faux leather, are more likely to develop a stiff texture than jackets made of 100% genuine leather. Contrary to popular belief, faux leather jackets aren’t really made of leather. They are made of a traditional textile like cotton that’s coated in a layer of plastic. They are easier and cheaper to produce, but they don’t offer the same attractive characteristics as real leather. To get the most bang for your buck, spend the extra money on a premium, genuine leather jacket. It will last longer and offer softer texture than faux leather jackets. It’s Low-Quality Leather Jackets made of low-quality leather are more likely to develop a stiff texture than jackets made of high-quality leather. This is because different types of leather as well as different tanning processes affect a leather’s texture. Cheap, corrected-grain leather often has a hard, stiff texture. In comparison, premium, full-grain leather offers a softer texture. When shopping for a leather jacket, pay attention to the quality of its leather. Just because a jacket is made of genuine leather, there’s no guarantee that it’s made of high-quality...
by Leather | Leather Jackets
The right accessories will enhance your outfit to create a more complete, eye-catching appearance. And while you can wear accessories year-round, they are particularly beneficial when worn during the winter. The cold weather and seasonal transition associated with this time of year offers the perfect opportunity for fashion-conscious individuals like yourself to reevaluate your wardrobe. Assuming you plan to wear a leather jacket this winter, you should follow these dos and don’ts of accessorizing your leather jacket. Do Wear Matching Footwear A good rule of thumb to follow when accessorizing your leather jacket is to wear footwear in the same color as your jacket. If you’re sporting a black leather jacket, for example, your shoes shoes or boots should be black as well. If you’re wearing a brown leather jacket, they should be brown. Following this rule will help you create a more cohesive outfit in which your leather jacket flows naturally with your footwear. Don’t Wear Too Much Jewelry There’s nothing wrong with accessorizing your leather jacket with jewelry. On the contrary, wearing a jewelry adds a new dynamic to your appearance while complimenting your clothes in the process. You should, however, avoid wearing too much jewelry. There’s no need to wear a half-dozen pieces of jewelry. Instead, try to limit the number of pieces you wear to about three. You might want to wear a necklace, earrings and a ring, for example. Wearing four or more pieces of a jewelry tends to draw attention away from your clothes while creating an overly messy appearance in the process. Do Choose Warm Fabrics When choosing accessories to wear with...