Leather shirts are available in a variety of styles. You can find them in traditional short-sleeve styles, and you can find them in long-sleeve styles. When the weather is cool, you may want to choose the latter. A long-sleeve leather shirt will cover your arms so that you are better protected from the cool weather. Before buying one, however, you may have some questions about long-sleeve leather shirts.
Are Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Made of Real Leather?
Most long-sleeve leather shirts are, in fact, made of real leather. You can still find some of them made of faux or artificial leather, but most long-sleeve leather shirts feature the same type of real leather as traditional jackets. With their real leather construction, they are soft, supple and stylish.
Can Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Be Worn Year-Round?
Whether it’s spring, summer, fall or winter, you can wear a long-sleeve leather shirt all 365 days of the year. Some people assume that they can only be worn during the cooler months of the year. After all, long-sleeve leather shirts feature long sleeves that will completely cover your arms when worn. But don’t let that fool you into thinking they are only suitable for the cooler months of the year. Long-sleeve leather shirts can be worn year-round.
How Long Exactly Should the Sleeves Be?
All long-sleeve leather shirts feature long, full-length sleeves. That’s essentially what distinguishes them from short-sleeve leather shirts. With that said, you might be wondering how long the sleeves should be exactly. For the best fit, the sleeves should extend to or slightly past your wrists. You can check to see if a long-sleeve leather shirt fits by putting it on and then placing your arms by your side. If it fits right, the sleeves should stop at or just past your wrists.
What Type of Fasteners Do Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Use?
While there are different types of long-sleeve leather shirts, nearly all of them use fasteners. There are fasteners on the front that you can use to open and close a long-sleeve leather shirt. When getting dressed, you’ll need to open the front of the long-sleeve leather shirt. You can then close the front by securing the fasteners. Most long-sleeve leather shirts use either fiber buttons or metal buttons for their fasteners. With that said, you may find some long-sleeve leather shirts that use a zipper instead of buttons.
Are Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Available in Custom Sizes
The long-sleeve leather shirts sold here at LeatherCult are available in standard sizes as well as custom sizes. With custom sizing, you can rest assured knowing that the long-sleeve leather shirt will fit perfectly. You don’t have to choose a standard size, such as small, medium or large. Instead, you can opt for custom sizing. Custom sizing involves your own body measurements. You can enter your body measurements when placing your order, and we’ll use these measurements to create a long-sleeve leather shirt in a custom size.

Are Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Better Than Short-Sleeve Leather Shirts?
Both long-sleeve and short-sleeve leather shirts are popular choices. Some people prefer long-sleeve styles, whereas others prefer short-sleeve styles. Long-sleeve styles are simply warmer and more protective, though some of them look more formal than their short-sleeve counterparts as well. When in doubt, of course, you can buy both types of leather shirts. Including a short-sleeve and long-style leather shirt in your wardrobe will give you the freedom to wear both styles.
How Do You Store a Long-Sleeve Leather Shirt?
When you aren’t wearing it, you should store your long-sleeve leather shirt on a heavy-duty clothes hanger to preserve its original shape. Long-sleeve leather shirts are heavier than other types of shirts. Over time, they may deform if not properly stored. You can preserve its original shape, however, by storing it on a heavy-duty hanger in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing your long-sleeve leather shirt in a plastic bag or in direct sunlight, as this can cause the leather to become discolored or damaged.
Will Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Wrinkle?
Like most types of leather garments, long-sleeve leather shirts are wrinkle resistant. Shirts made of other materials, such as cotton, may easily wrinkle, but shirts made of leather are naturally resistant to wrinkles. As long as you store your long-sleeve leather shirt on a heavy-duty clothes hanger — and follow the manufacturer’s instructions listed on the care tag — you shouldn’t encounter many wrinkles. Leather is a wrinkle-resistant materials, and shirts made of leather exhibit these same properties.
Do Long-Sleeve Leather Shirts Have Pockets?
Long-sleeve leather shirts are available with and without pockets. Some of them feature two flap-style breast pockets. Flap-style pockets have a flap. You can open them by pulling the flap up. Other long-sleeve leather shirts have traditional button-style breast pockets, and some of them don’t have any pockets. Regardless, there are long-sleeve leather shirts available with and without pockets.
What Should You Wear With a Long-Sleeve Leather Shirt?
You might be wondering what clothes and accessories you should wear with a long-sleeve leather shirt. One of the great things about leather shirts — both short- and long-sleeve styles — is their versatility. They are highly versatile and can be worn in countless outfits. You can wear a long-sleeve leather shirt with jeans for a casual appearance. For a dressier appearance, on the other hand, you can pair a long-sleeve leather shirt with matching leather pants.
How Do You Clean a Long-Sleeve Leather Shirt?
Clean a long-sleeve leather shirt is a breeze. Unlike shirts made of traditional textiles like cotton, you don’t have to wash and dry them. Instead, you can clean a long-sleeve leather shirt by blotting it with a damp washcloth. A process known as spot cleaning, it offers a safe and effective way to remove minor stains. If you discover a stain on your long-sleeve leather shirt, take a damp washcloth and gently blot it.