Leather Skirts

Choosing the Right Leather Skirt for Your Style

Choosing the Right Leather Skirt for Your Style

A leather skirt is a bold, stylish choice of apparel that looks great on all women. Made of the same high-quality leather as a leather jacket, it features the perfect combination of strength, durability, comfort and elegance. Whether you are running errands around town or going out with friends, you can’t go wrong with a leather skirt. With that said, however, you need to choose the right style. There are dozens if not hundreds of different leather skirt styles, each of which has its own unique characteristics. To ensure you look your best, follow the tips listed below when choosing a leather skirt. Stay Away from ‘Pleather’ What is pleather and why should you avoid it? Pleather is a type of synthetic material that’s designed to look and feel like genuine leather. It’s typically made using polyester or other synthetic materials that are heavily processed in chemicals. Unfortunately, pleather lacks the attractive characteristics and qualities that makes leather such a popular and versatile textile. Pleather skirts are rough, uncomfortable and have a funny odor to them. For these reasons and others, it’s recommended that you stick with genuine leather when choosing a skirt., Choose Nappa Leather When shopping for a new leather skirt, check to see what type of leather it’s made of. We’ve talked about this before on our blog, but it’s worth mentioning again that different skirts are made of different leather. Arguably, the highest quality type of leather is Nappa. Napp leather is characterized by an exceptional soft texture and temper. Because of this, it’s commonly used to make high-end skirts, jackets and other apparel products....
7 Awesome Outfit Ideas for a Leather Skirt

7 Awesome Outfit Ideas for a Leather Skirt

The right outfit can make a world of difference in your self-esteem and overall confidence, which can carry over to other aspects of your life, including your career/job, personal relationships and more. While there are countless ways to create an attractive outfit, one of the most visually stylish options involves a leather skirt. Some women assume that skirts are only made of traditional fabrics like cotton or wool, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are also leather skirts available, which are made using the same high-end leather materials as classic bomber jackets. So, if you want to turn heads and improve your confidence, consider the following outfit ideas involving a leather skirt. Black Leather Skirt with Black Leggings Being that winter is right around the corner, many women are putting up their skirts for the year. After all, wearing a skirt when it’s cold outside isn’t particularly comfortable. Well, one way to continue wearing a skirt — leather or otherwise — is to wear it with leggings. A black leather skirt with black leggings, for instance, is a classic outfit that’s guaranteed to turn heads. You can even go one step further with this outfit by wearing black shoes or boots. Just remember to add break up your outfit with at least one other color, such as a white undershirt. Midi Leather Skirt with Blouse What is a midi leather skirt and why should you wear one? A midi leather skirt falls somewhere between a mini and maxi skirt. It’s longer than a mini skirt, but still shorter than a maxi skirt. Because of their moderate...
Fun Ways to Wear a Leather Skirt

Fun Ways to Wear a Leather Skirt

Tired of wearing the same traditional cotton skirt day after day? While there’s nothing wrong with skirts made of cotton — or other common fabrics — you should consider experimenting with other styles. One such style that’s becoming increasingly popular among women of all ages is leather. Just like jackets, shoes, boots, belts and shirts are made of leather, so are skirts. To learn more about leather skirts and how to look your best when wearing them, keep reading. Leather Skirts: The Basics In case this is your first time hearing about leather skirts, you may have some questions, such as how they differ from traditional skirts. Well, most traditional skirts are made of cotton or various cotton blends. Leather skirts, on the other hand, are made of genuine leather. Of course, there are dozens of different types of leather, each of which with its own specific characteristics and qualities. Some of the cheaper products on the market are made with low-quality cow’s hide leather, whereas high-end leather products are made with soft NAPA sheepskin leather. Regardless of the leather type, all leather skirts are made from some type of natural animal hide. This gives it certain qualities that aren’t found in traditional fabrics (which we’ll explore soon). Like other skirts, however, you can find leather skirts available in countless different styles and colors. No matter what style you prefer, chances are there’s a leather skirt with your name on it. Benefits of Wearing a Leather Skirt There are countless reasons to choose a leather skirt over a traditional cotton skirt. First and foremost, leather skirts are softer and...
5 Leather Skirt Trends to Watch

5 Leather Skirt Trends to Watch

Leather skirts have become an increasingly popular fashion item in recent years. They feature the classic look of traditional skirts, but with the benefits of genuine leather. This allows for a deeper and more sophisticated garment that’s sure to turn heads. Whether you’re going out for drinkers with friends, attending a business meeting, or just running your daily errands around town, you can’t go wrong with a 100% leather skirt. It’s this unmatched level of versatility that makes leather skirts such a popular and fast-growing fashion item. But it’s important to note that leather skirts are constantly evolving, with new styles being introduced on a regular basis. In the past, most leather skirts were basic, consisting of nothing more than brown/tan leather in a basic pencil skirt design. This wasn’t necessarily bad, as many women prefer this standard look. However, it also didn’t offer much in terms of customization and personal style, leaving many women wanting more. Well, it appears that the clothing companies have heeded this warning, as there are now countless different styles in which leather skirts are made. For a list of some of the hottest leather skirt trends, keep reading. Two-Tone Skirts When you think of colors in which leather is made, what’s the first one that comes to mind? If you answered brown, you aren’t alone. This is the color that’s traditionally associated with leather, and for good reason. Leather has a natural brown color, so it’s easier to make leather garments in brown than other colors. Furthermore, brown is a basic color that matches with many other colors. For these reasons, many companies...
Shopping for a New Leather Skirt? Read this.

Shopping for a New Leather Skirt? Read this.

When you think of leather garments, a skirt probably isn’t the first garment to come to mind. After all, leather jackets are typically the most common and popular choice of leather wear. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should avoid wearing a leather skirt. On the contrary, they are a fun and highly stylish alternative to traditional skirts and dresses. So if you’re looking to stand out from the crowd while maintaining a fashion-forward appearance, you should consider updating your wardrobe with a genuine leather skirt. It’s a brilliant addition to any woman’s wardrobe. But if you’ve ever shopped for a leather skirt before, you may have noticed just how many different colors, styles and sizes in which they are available. You can find traditional, all-black leather skirts, or you can go for a more unique look. With so many different options, how do you know which to choose? If you’re struggling to choose a leather skirt, keep reading for some helpful tips and tricks. We’re going to walk you through the process of finding the perfect leather skirt, regardless of your personal style. Go Genuine We’ve talked about this before on our blog, but it’s worth mentioning again that not all leather skirts are made of genuine leather. Some companies cut corners by using faux/fake leather. Although it looks similar to the real thing, faux leather is anything but. It has a more distinct “chemical” like odor, and it’s usually rougher and less comfortable than its genuine counterpart. For these reasons, it’s best to choose a genuine leather skirt. You can expect to pay a little more for...
How to Rock a Leather Skirt (the Right Way)

How to Rock a Leather Skirt (the Right Way)

Looking to take a step away from traditional skirt styles and define a fashion-forward look of your own? While there’s nothing wrong with cotton and cotton-blend skirts, leather offers a truly one-of-a-kind appearance that’s guaranteed to turn heads. From regular working-class women to business professionals, actresses and celebrities, many women are now including leather skirts in their regular weekly wardrobe. But if you want to rock this look, there are a few things you should know. Benefits of Leather Skirts You might be wondering why leather skirts are such a popular choice among fashion-forward women. Well, there are a number of benefits associated with this unique garment, one of which is its stylish appearance. The problem with most skirts is that they lack any sense of true fashion and style. Some of them may feature various designs, colors and patterns, but they ultimately lack the level of style that is needed for a truly memorizing garment. Leather skirts, on the other hand, are the perfect choice for women who want to stand out from the crowd by sporting a fashionable look. The reflective surface of leather paired with its unique texture create remarkable skirts that go above and beyond the style of traditional skirts. Another benefit associated with leather skirts is longevity. All garments have a life expectancy, and skirts are no exception. But you can rest assured knowing that your leather skirt will withstand the hands of time for years to come when properly cared for and maintained. Being that it’s made of animal hide, leather skirts can withstand regular wear and use, more so than many other...